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All UHS parents and guardians are part of the Parents' Association. The purpose of the PA is to help facilitate parent communication, cooperation, and involvement; promote a strong sense of community; and support the school's mission, programs, and activities. By attending a meeting, joining a committee, or working at an event, you will meet fellow parents and contribute to the larger UHS community.

We welcome your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions and look forward to getting to know you!

What's New?


We are excited to see you at BOOST starting on Monday, June 18th, 2018.  Registration will begin at 7:30 AM in front of the Auditorium.  At registration the students will be given a back pack and materials that they will need for BOOST.  BOOST will be over at noon all days.  TUSD has a summer meal program where students can get free breakfast from 7-8 AM and lunch from 12-1 PM each day.  We a currently having solar panels installed in our parking lots and most of our parking spots are blocked off.  We will have BOOST leaders at the entry gates to help students get to the registration desk and get them signed in, so the best thing you can do is to drop off and pick up your student on Arcadia.  See map below for drop off locations.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email myself at or Megan Cassidy at  We will be checking our email throughout the day on Thursday and Friday and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

– Matthew Ulrich and Megan Cassidy

🐧 The Future Penguin Welcome Wagon Needs You! 🐧
June 10, 2018

Hello UHS Families!! 

We are looking for current families interested in welcoming incoming families! This can be done through meeting with students and their families for ice cream, a pot lock, a party at your home, even over coffee! We will assign you 5-10 families that live near your family for you to reach out and welcome!!!

Please sign up at

While we have some families that have volunteered, we are still in need of families who can help support the following zip codes. This can be done with several families too!! If your zip code is next to one of these other zip codes and it would be reasonable to include them with your group, please let me know! We have 7 other zip codes covered and they are getting plans together!

85629, 85641, 85648, 85701, 85705, 85706, 85708, 85710, 85711, 85712, 85713, 85714, 85715, 85716, 85719, 85730, 85743, 85745, 85746, 85751, 85756, 85757

Sign up at:

Did you know that the UHS College and Career Counseling Center is a UHS parent supported initiative that is funded through UHS parent and business donations?


The UHS Parents’ Association provides funding for two essential staff members in the College and Career Counseling Center. We provide a grant for Ms. Lori Minor to work with our students and parents in a variety of areas including writing college applications, scholarship essays, DBQs, FRQs, test taking skills, note taking skills, PSAT, SAT and ACT preparation, and running student study groups.  Here is what a former UHS student had to say about working with Ms. Minor:


 “As a senior, I find Ms. Minor has been a priceless asset for editing college application and scholarship essays. At UHS, students strive for excellence, and Ms. Minor's adept skill and experience in college administration and creative essay writing enable us to achieve our full potential. Additionally, she is a much needed addition to the beloved counseling and student support team for all grade levels.”

- Rachel Done, UHS Class of 2015

Current Student at Yale University


To get a better feel for Ms. Minor's role at the CCCC and how important she and the CCCC are to the students and parents, please take a moments to view these videos. 

Please consider making a donation to the UHSPA March of the Penguins campaign for the UHS College and Career Counseling Center Sustainability Fund.  With your contribution our students will continue to receive extra academic support and individualized college guidance, an important issue for all UHS students.



Here’s a link to make a tax deductible, charitable contribution:


Or send your UHSPA March of the Penguins contribution to:


University High School Parents’ Association

5425 E. Broadway Blvd #451

Tucson, AZ 85711

Thank You For Generously Supporting the
UHS College and Career Counseling Center!

We NEED Help!

Please sign up to be an Officer or a Board Member!

We are seeking new volunteers for the UHSPA Board and Officers for the upcoming 2018-2019 school year!

If you are interested in helping, even if you don't want a board position,  please sign up on the following link:



Order your Graduation DVD Today!

UHS Junior and Entrepeneur, Alicia Sibole, presents to Parents at UHSPA meeting 2.12.18

Alicia Sibole is a motivated student who specializes in organization time management, and goal setting, specifically for students.  She is a student in the Young Entrepreneurs Academy, a program bringing students from start to finish with creating business plans and pitching their idea to an investor panel.
Alicia's Live Tips (ALT) is a business focused on helping students develop and accomplish their goals.  Alicia uses the Dream. Plan. Achieve. system to help students through the process of visualizing and manifesting their ideal self, then taking the actionable steps to arrive at that place.  She creates personalized planners, hosts workshops at UHS, and meets 1:1 with students for consultation and mentoring.
If you are interested to learn more, reach out to Alicia at: or go to her website at:

Pantano Rotary Club Helps UHSPA Provide 16 Computers to UHS! 

The Pantano Rotary Club has teamed up with the PA to help address the UHS need for technology!  On December 11th, the UHSPA graciously accepted a $3480 Rotary grant award to help address the UHS need for COWs (computers on wheels).  Pantano Rotary members were truly inspired by the project, as they independently submitted to their own District for matching funds to their original Rotary chapter award of $1740. Together with incremental funds approved by the PA board, a total of $8460 has been given to University High School, enabling the purchase of 16 laptop computers along with a COW cart to transport and house them. A special thanks goes to Martha Lee, PA Development Team member, for meticulously writing and submitting the Rotary grant last spring. Availability and use of technology is critical to education in today's world. We appreciate the diligent work of all parents to help us continue address this vital need.


Photo attached taken during the Dec 11th check presentation:

Martha Lee (PA), Amy Cislak (UHS Principal), Sandy Goodsite (Pantano Rotary), Suzan Costich (PA) and Eugene Medina (Pantano Rotary).

Pictured are UHS Students from one of the sessions.

UHS Students Gain Real -World Hospital Experience

In the summer of 2017, UHS partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital, Carondelet Health Network to offer an internship/shadowing program that provides real-world hospital experiences.  Students who are aged 16 and older, get the chance to rotate through more than 15 different departments in the hospital over a several week period.  The program is now being offered throughout the entire year. 


While our kids are trying to answer that major life question: "What do I want to be when I grow up?", this experience is helping them see that healthcare is more than just doctors and nurses.  For some students, this has strengthened their passion for going into medicine, while for others it has helped provide clarity and options.

If your student is interested in participating, ask them to reach out to Mr. Flores in the CCCC

"Today I actually saw close up patient care and before the nurse I shadowed did anything, she explained what was going on and how the course of treatment would do..." - UHS Student Intern

Information for you to know!

Shop for a cause!

It is now easier than ever to show your Penguin Pride — the school spirit UHS logo store is open the entire school year!  Please consider buying one of the great UHS logo items, such as the fleece 1/4 zip pullover or new raglan shirts. 


Order what you like — including all the “bling” you might want (use “special print” drop down menu on certain items).  When your order is complete Baums will contact you (usually in 2 to 3 weeks) to arrange pick up. Show your Penguin pride around campus and around town!


Purchasing is easy… Go to:     sale code: uhs2017




Let your daily shopping "Benefit" our school! 

Download the attached and find out how... no cost to you!


CAmpus Beautification day!

When:  Saturday April 7th 2018 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Where: University High School 

             421 N. Arcadia Ave 85711

What is it: UHS and Rincon are partnering to make the shared campus better for students.  Volunteers will be helping with planting, raking, pruning, painting and any other small projects that the school requested.

Why this is needed:  Limited resources hamper what UHS and RHS can do to improve the look and feel of the campus so they need our help.  Clean and nice looking schools tend to enhance student performance and feeling of safety.  Anyone who helps will receive a volunteer certification for community service for the hours they worked.  This helps with scholarship applications.

Pizza, Eegees and water will be provided to all volunteers.  All supplies to perform tasks are provided.  Special thanks to Tucson Clean and Beautiful!







Order your graduation dvd!!! don't miss out!  







To reach the UHSPA leadership and committee chairs, you can use the following emails:




This document will provide a extensive list of the clubs found at UHS.  Please check it out!  An involved student is a rounded student!

Your 2017-2018 PA Executive Board:



Marian Benz


Vice President

Kyra Holtzman


Susan Siepker


Ellen Geiger

Lori Owen


Sonia Apodaca-Harms

Beth Monfort

A great way to support your Parents Association...









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Contact Us:

University High School Parents Association
5425 E. Broadway Blvd. #451
Tucson, AZ 85711
Phone: (520) 232-5900

The University High School Parents' Association (UHSPA) was established in 1982 and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organizaion. The primary mission of the UHSPA is to assist students and their families during their four years at University High School, fostering a learning environment and support systems that contribute to academic success, while helping our students prepare for college.


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